Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ears, feet, and green toilets

So this week - today actually - we discovered that Abby's earring was stuck in her ear. As in the hoop she had in was lodged partway into her piercing. I guess she hadn't changed them or cleaned them for a few days and she only took the posts out last weekend. She was crying that it hurt and wouldn't let anyone touch her ear to try to get it out. I browsed around online while looking at the walk-in clinic hours and found some sites that talked about using ice to reduce the swelling and numb them a bit. We tried it and were finally able to get it out. She was so sweet. She decided that we needed to pray about it halfway through the process and then afterwards during prayer at family night she remembered on her own to thank Heavenly Father that we were able to get it out. We're going to be better about changing and cleaning from now on.

Kim went roller skating last weekend and came out of it with two HUGE blisters. I think they are better now, but she had trouble walking on them for a couple of days. Now they have peeled and are red. Read her blog to find out more about her.

Eric and Jessica are still coughing a bit but I think they are mostly better. Jessica has mastered spelling her name - at least verbally. She tried her hand at writing a J this week as well.

The leprechaun came to our house and turned half a gallon of milk green, the toilet water green, and locked the cat on the back porch all night (okay, maybe that was one of us). All in all a fun day. We tried to go to McDonald's to get shamrock shakes and their ice cream machine was broken.

I am done with Bingo night at school and now I'm working hard for the auction which is on May 1st. I'll be glad when it's over and I've already told them that I can't do it next year. Maybe I'll just do one thing and call it good. There is a chance I may be helping with a Girl Scout troop for Kim. We'll see....

1 comment:

D and S Heaton said...

You guys are weird! All I did was make the vanilla pudding green.
Poor Abby. Green tongue, red ear. What a colorful character. I hope the ear heals up OK.
Dad H