Sunday, October 19, 2008

Under Construction

Well, our house is rather torn up right now. All the carpet and vinyl flooring has been torn up from the whole house except for the bedrooms and bathrooms. Most of our furniture is in the garage or bedrooms, although the china cabinet is in the hall bathroom. We are hoping the hardwood gets delivered tomorrow and they start installing it later this week. It's been a bit crazy because no one wants to play or sit on the floor because it's the yucky floor the builders put in. Jessica has the piano in her room, so there is not much room to play. We will survive!

It will look lovely when everyone comes up for Christmas as long as we don't scratch it up putting the furniture back!

Oh, and we also painted all those areas of the house as well. I was gone last weekend at an overnighter for the RS (not an OFFICIAL event) at the cabin of a ward member. Of course Friday was the day most of the house was painted, so Reid escaped to his parents' house with the kids to avoid painted children and messed up walls. I had a grand time! I stayed up late (5:00 a.m. the first night and 2:00 a.m. the second night) playing games and chatting - eating WAY too much foom. We went shopping in Leavenworth - a German town full of shops and little restaurants. Of course we ate at the Italian place.

The girls started acting class and I think they are having fun. It takes up most of our Saturday, but it's a new experience for them and it's not outside in the pouring rain.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Conference antics

For the first time ever, with kids anyway, we attended all four sessions of conference at the church. We've watched them at home many times, and usually attend one or two at church, but this time we went to all of them! The kids were remarkably good. Eric started the Saturday morning session with a lovely whining session and Jessica can't play at all without a song or running dialogue, but otherwise, they played quietly and even listened occasionally.

We made a little scrapbook of sorts with pictures and info on all the apostles and the pictures from the Ensign of the quorums of the Seventy, Presiding Bishopric, etc... Eric and Jessica especially, enjoyed looking at the picture of whoever was speaking at the time and realizing that it was the same person as on the screen.

Kim was a tremendous help on Saturday because Reid was gone all day. She has been stepping in so much lately without being asked. I had a sitter Friday night and I suspect Kim did more of the work than the babysitter! Good practice I suppose!

We had a lovely wind/rain storm that left 2 lights out on the way home on Saturday. Luckily our power was still on. It's definitely fall!