Sunday, March 22, 2009


Kim had fun taking this video of Jessica. Enjoy!
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Ears, feet, and green toilets

So this week - today actually - we discovered that Abby's earring was stuck in her ear. As in the hoop she had in was lodged partway into her piercing. I guess she hadn't changed them or cleaned them for a few days and she only took the posts out last weekend. She was crying that it hurt and wouldn't let anyone touch her ear to try to get it out. I browsed around online while looking at the walk-in clinic hours and found some sites that talked about using ice to reduce the swelling and numb them a bit. We tried it and were finally able to get it out. She was so sweet. She decided that we needed to pray about it halfway through the process and then afterwards during prayer at family night she remembered on her own to thank Heavenly Father that we were able to get it out. We're going to be better about changing and cleaning from now on.

Kim went roller skating last weekend and came out of it with two HUGE blisters. I think they are better now, but she had trouble walking on them for a couple of days. Now they have peeled and are red. Read her blog to find out more about her.

Eric and Jessica are still coughing a bit but I think they are mostly better. Jessica has mastered spelling her name - at least verbally. She tried her hand at writing a J this week as well.

The leprechaun came to our house and turned half a gallon of milk green, the toilet water green, and locked the cat on the back porch all night (okay, maybe that was one of us). All in all a fun day. We tried to go to McDonald's to get shamrock shakes and their ice cream machine was broken.

I am done with Bingo night at school and now I'm working hard for the auction which is on May 1st. I'll be glad when it's over and I've already told them that I can't do it next year. Maybe I'll just do one thing and call it good. There is a chance I may be helping with a Girl Scout troop for Kim. We'll see....

Monday, March 16, 2009

Amusing Comic Strip

I didn't get the chance to read this yesterday because the girls ran off with the comics, but when I read it today I couldn't stop laughing. Try explaining it appropriately to an 8 yr. old!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I can't be creative with these titles - they all say weird week!

So this week, we had a bunch of interesting things happen. We had more snow, just to remind us it's still winter, and the kids had a few days of snow route buses. We had a lovely time sliding near our house and not being able to stop until the last minute.

Eric was sick on Wednesday and missed school. He's had a lovely cough that shows up mostly at night, but we hope it's almost gone.

On Thursday I had to drive down to airport to bring Reid his forgotten wallet so he could get on the plane at 8:30 am (we left the house at 6:55 and still made it). Kim and Abby got themselves ready for school and even made their own lunches. It's amazing what necessity will do!

That same day I went to kindergarten orientation and had a sitter because Reid was gone. On the way home I stopped at the atm to get money to pay the sitter. It was out of money (luckily I had some at home) and when I got into the van, it wouldn't start. No cranking or anything. It didn't seem like the battery since I had just driven it and I had to get the sitter home - couldn't wait 2 hours for roadside assistance. I called the sitter's mom and she came and brought me home and took her daughter.

So now the van is parked a 15 minute drive away and I need to get back to it to see what we should do. Eric, Jessica, and I were ready to take the bus (single route and the transit center is across the street from the van) but a guy from the ward saw us waiting and took us to the car. He actually does bodywork on cars for a living and know quite a bit about them. He had a jump box in his van and had it ready to go. I put the key in and the van started immediately - without a jump.

Now I'm feeling ridiculous, but I know the van wasn't going to start the night before. As I'm driving away, I notice the check engine light on so I decided to drive it to the Kia dealership to get it fixed. As we were waiting for them to take it from the front drive to the garage to look at it, I noticed the guy having trouble starting it. For once, the car actually acted up for the repairman! They got it to the garage and after a couple of hours of looking at it, testing parts, etc... they decided that the crank sensor was out and the starter was on its way out. Of course, they didn't have either part on hand and one of them wouldn't be in until Wednesday - this all happened on Friday.

I obviously needed a vehicle and the guy was feeling bad for not having the parts, etc... so they let us take their shuttle van (a newer Kia Sedona) until the van was done. I was ready to rent a car, but it's a lot cheaper to get the free one from the dealership! Anyway, the kids LOVE the "new" one. It has lots of buttons to push and a dvd player that we can't get the sound to work on. In fact, we would love to just let them keep our old one and we'll just keep this one :).

I feel very grateful that the Lord was looking out for us, placed help in our path, and helped us find a way to make it all work out. I don't usually ask for help and this forced me to do just that. There seems to be a positive in every difficult situation!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sun and Snow

So, we had a lovely day or two where the weather was beautiful. We didn't need our jackets during the day and the flowers were coming up. Then Mother Nature decides to have a windy, cold storm and snow this morning. I WANT SPRING! (Oh wait, I think that's what spring in Washington is...) We just hope it doesn't snow when we drive to Utah for Spring Break.

Abby won our game of Settlers of Catan on Friday. We need to buy an expansion set so I can start winning again :) I had a lady at church today tell me that she bought Boggle and she and her husband can't stop playing it! I'm scared to play against them now. I beat them on New Years Eve, like I had 87 points and everyone else had 12. I'm not very nice...

Today at church, Eric gave the prayer and article of faith in Primary. Kim was asked by a member of the Primary Presidency (granted, she's new) when she was going into Young Womens. We had to break the news to her that Kim still has a year and a half in Primary! We also had a kid confessing family sins. He was asked what his dad did when he was sad (meaning when the boy was sad) and he said that when his dad was really mad he gets out a belt and he was talking about the metal parts and spanking. Anyway, the adults changed the subject quickly. Luckily it's one of those families that you wouldn't think of as abusive...

A few weeks ago a little girl said she was going to have a baby sister. She was adopted and I assumed that her mom couldn't have any more, but I asked her at choir that day. The mom said that the little girl WANTS a baby sister and will even pray for one, but they are not having a baby. We love Primary!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A busy week

I think I could make that the title of my blog most weeks! As you know, Abby was baptized yesterday. It was a great day and she seemed to enjoy it all, especially the fun afterwards at our house! She is a great little girl and we are glad to have her in our family.

I have just been tired all week and now it looks like I'm coming down with a cold, so hopefully it doesn't work it's way around the house! Luckily I already have a doctor appointment tomorrow so if there's any other sickness going on we should catch it then.

Jessica had a great birthday. She got a dollhouse and loves to pull it out and play with all the pieces. Maybe it will stay in her room eventually! She also got a twin bed - she's actually been in the crib - and loves her princess sheets. The best part was that she is actually staying in her bed every night. All my other kids had at least a few nights of crazy in and out for hours on end. She just snuggles into her bed and sings along with her Primary cd. Now to get her potty trained....

It was fun to have grandma Heaton here. We got a little mending done even! Thanks for visiting!

I can't think of anything else to write - boring today! Have a great week!