Sunday, June 28, 2009

School's Out for Summer!

We are having fun with no school for a couple of months. Kim and Abby had their Activity Day Girl day camp last week, we went to Birch Bay waterpark (came home with 5 stitches), went to the local parade, went on a hike, went letterboxing, and got ready for a houseguest. Busy weeks.

The girls had a good time I think. They keep singing the songs they learned. I took Eric and Jessica on the hike and they did a great job! They both walked the whole way - it was about 2 miles total I think - and they had friends to walk with to keep them company.

Kim is excited about her basketball camp this week and then we have the ward campout, 4th of July, and our trip to Chicago and Detroit.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

June already ?!?!?

Broadway Night was a BLAST! It ran fairly smoothly and we are all still trying to catch up on sleep, cleaning the house, etc...

Last night I went to the temple and did initiatories. I haven't done that in a very long time. It was a fantastic experience. It really made me think about the purposes we have here and the promises we made and blessings we were promised when we did it for ourselves. Reid was out of town so I rode down there with a few others - 4 ladies and the poor husband of one of them. The girls decided to go out to dinner afterwards and we had so much fun. I haven't done that very often and honestly it helped that Reid was gone - no worries about neglecting the sleeping family :)

Kim thinks she's already a 6th grader and is gearing up to pay trombone next year in band. Abby is dying to be in Girl Scouts today so we are in the process of signing her up too. Eric is excited to start kindergarten in the fall at his new school. Jessica won't know what to do all morning with no Eric around to tease.

Reid is gearing up for a busy summer and just got called as the 1st counselor in Young Mens. He's inherited a small group of boys that need a lot of guidance. I think he's up to the task.